When you try to install some of the Oracle Middleware components in version and receive below errors at “Installation Location” stage then there is solution to pass it.
Errors which occur at the beginning of installation process:
- INST-07548: The selected distribution does not have any compatible install type for the selected Oracle Home. Provide a different oracle Home. Check http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=fmw122130&id=installhome for details about compatible products and install types.
- INST-07551: Not all dependent featuresets for install type “Service Bus” could be found. One of the following needs to be selected:
wls_coreEngine –
jrf_wlsFmw –
Select a different Oracle Home having all dependencies. Check http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=fmw122130&id=installhome for details about compatible products and install types. - INST-07551: Not all dependent featuresets for install type “Service Bus” could be found. One of the following needs to be selected:
wls_coreEngine –
jrf_wlsFmw –
Select a different Oracle Home having all dependencies. Check http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=fmw122130&id=installhome for details about compatible products and install types.